Maxime Cohen

Work Experience

  • McGill University, BSRM and Desautels Faculty of Management, Montreal, Canada (2019-present)
    Full Professor of Retail and Operations Management (with tenure)
    Scale AI Chair in Data Science for Retail
    Academic Director of the Bensadoun School of Retail Management (2025-present)
    Director of Research at the Bensadoun School of Retail Management (2022-2024)
    Co-Director of the Retail Innovation Lab (2019-2022)
    Bensadoun Faculty Scholar (2019-2022)
    Associate Member, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (by courtesy)
    Member of CIRRELT - Research on Enterprise Networks, Logistics and Transportation
    Member of GERAD - Group for Research in Decision Analysis

  • Google AI, New York NY (2015-2016)
    Postdoctoral Research Scientist - Research Team
    Conducted research across multiple areas including market algorithms, pricing, auctions, cloud computing, and optimization. Worked on products related to cloud computing, contracts for online advertising, and Internet domain names.

  • IBM Research, Watson Research Center (Summer 2012)
    Research Intern - Business Analytics and Math Sciences
    Worked on improving pricing and promotion strategies by incorporating social and influence data. Proposed a practical formulation that allows efficient computation of the optimal pricing strategies while considering network and influence effects.